Gazzyboy Hidden Numbers 47

Gazzyboy Hidden Number 47 is a new point and click type hidden object game from Gazzyboy. Find the numbers in a given Image. For each accurate click,score will get increased and for wrong click,score will get reduced. Try to find out the
numbers soon and get Bonus Point. Good luck and have fun!

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Text Walkthrough:

Level 1:

1 on bottom of the windshield near the car’s side mirror
2 ice on the ground near the right edge of the car’s rear tire
3 large sheet of ice hanging from the left branches of the middle tree
4 top left of the middle tree
5 sky between the 2 trees (about in line with the car’s back tire)
6 near the top of the screen between 12 and the center tree’s right branches (about in line with the left edge of the car’s front tire)
7 thick white cloud near the right edge of the screen
8 front door of car by the side mirror
9 front bumper by the tire
10 front hubcap
11 ice hanging from the branches of the left tree
12 slightly down left of the upper right corner of the screen
13 over the wall above the car’s hood
14 ice on ground near the bottom left corner
15 clouds down right of the upper left corner

Level 2:

1 by the nearer corner of the raised platform the park benches are on
2 darker pink building -- right of the windows in between the top 2 dark squares
3 wheel well of the front tire of the SUV behind the nearer park bench
4 ice in the branches of the thick tree
5 trees in the background (right of the thick tree trunk)
6 right of the pilaster that is between the upper right windows of the light colored building
7 bottom of the thick tree trunk
8 near edge of the park benches
9 by the upper left window with shutters of the light colored building window
10 ground near the bottom left corner
11 bottom front of the nearer park bench
12 smaller car behind the park benches
13 left of the person in red at the right edge of the screen
14 on the edge of the thicker white ice on the ground in front of the nearer park bench
15 front bumper of the SUV behind the nearer park bench

Level 3:

1 on the center pole (near the bottom of the pole)
2 nearer headlight of car
3 hood of the car below the nearer windshield wiper
4 dark patch of ice by the front tire
5 left edge of the back tire
6 side mirror
7 sky about half way up the left of the 3 poles
8 ice between the right edge of the screen and the car’s door
9 top blocks of the wall -- second block from the left
10 front bumper of the car below the further air intake
11 bottom of front car bumper
12 windshield above the further windshield wiper
13 sky between the center and right poles (above the ice covered wire)
14 sky near the top of the screen (in line with the hood of the car)
15 front car wheel

Level 4:

1 trunk of the third tree away from you (in line with the corner of the second vehicle -- the SUV)
2 in the water left of the first tree you can fully see from the right edge of the screen
3 in the sky down left of the upper right corner
4 in the sky right of the second tree away from you (in line with the front corner of the van)
5 top center of the second tree from you
6 corner of the third car from you)
7 top of the tree trunk of the nearer tree (below the branches)
8 right edge of the screen (in line with the rear tire of the van)
9 front tire of the van
10 in the water above the back corner of the SUV (second vehicle from you)
11 in the water right of the nearest tree (above the back corner of the van)
12 back side window of the van
13 near the bottom right corner of the screen
14 in the road near the bottom left corner (about in line with the license plate of the van)
15 in the center of the road in line with the back tire of the van (and about in line with the right front tire of the SUV)

Level 5:

1 bottom ice on the car near the back nearer corner (behind the tire you can’t see)
2 on the wall right of the barred window
3 bottom right of the car’s back bumper
4 in the darker ice near the bottom of the screen -- about in line with the 4 in your inventory
5 in the broken ice between the bottom edge of the screen and the black space you can see under the car’s bumper
6 in the ice on the wall over the car’s roof (near the back windshield)
7 back windshield of the car (bottom center of it)
8 on the wall left of the drain pipe bracket
9 in the ice at the nearer rear corner of the car -- about in line with the top of the trunk
10 in the ice on the ground between the left edge of the screen and the car’s back tire
11 back of the car by the right tail light
12 in the ice on the wall over the car’s front windshield
13 on the wall below the bottom left corner of the barred window
14 right of the drain pipe on the wall -- above the ice on the wall
15 on the side of the car -- left of the wheel well of the back tire.

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