Gazzyboy Hidden Numbers 45

Gazzyboy Hidden Number 45 is a new point and click type hidden object game from Gazzyboy. Find the numbers in a given Image. For each accurate click,score will get increased and for wrong click,score will get reduced. Try to find out the
numbers soon and get Bonus Point. Good luck and have fun!

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Text Walkthrough:

Level 1:

1 in grass below lioness’ chin
2 dark number in grass below lioness’ top front leg (in line with her chin)
3 lioness’ ear
4 top of screen near middle
5 cub’s leg
6 in grass near top of screen; about an inch from the right corner
7 cub’s ear
8 lioness’ chest
9 in grass near bottom right corner (above lioness’ paw in grass)
10 lioness’ side by back leg
11 lioness’ neck
12 right edge of screen -- in line with lioness’ ear
13 in grass near right edge of screen (in line with the bottom of lioness’ chin)
14 lioness’ back leg
15 near the upper left corner of screen

Level 2:

1 top center of right lion’s mane
2 top of screen in the middle
3 right lion’s side
4 top center of left lion’s mane
5 left lion’s side (top of his side)
6 right lion’s cheek
7 left lion’s leftmost leg
8 rock near the right edge of the screen (down from left lion’s rightmost back paw)
9 right edge of left lion’s mane
10 light streak on the left side of the rock (down from left lion’s nearer front paw)
11 rocks below left lion’s armpit (about half inch down)
12 left lion’s elbow
13 dark spot in the middle of the rock
14 left of the left lion’s head
15 right lion’s leg (right edge of screen)

Level 3:

1 center of lioness’ forehead
2 grass over the right of the 2 small rocks
3 right edge of her chest
4 right bottom part of the rock her chin is on
5 her right cheek (your perspective)
6 her nose
7 lioness’ left ear (your perspective) -- left edge
8 near the top of the rock her chin is on (down from the right edge of her mouth -- your perspective)
9 nearer front leg
10 left rock of the 2 small rocks
11 leftmost paw
12 above bright rock in the background -- up left of her ear
13 lioness’ right ear (your perspective) -- left edge
14 darker front face of the background bright rock
15 grass above the 2 left small rocks.

Level 4:

1 near the top of the screen between the 2 lions
2 under her chin
3 lion’s back leg (about in the middle of his leg)
4 left edge of lion’s mane
5 lioness’ back
6 lion’s ear
7 lioness’ near ear
8 down left of the upper right corner -- almost in line with lion’s nose
9 center of the lion’s mane over his chest
10 sky over the lioness (down right of the left corner of the screen)
11 lioness’ back leg
12 where the lioness’ shoulder and neck meet
13 below lion’s back leg (where the leg bends)
14 in the grass below the lioness’ tail (about in line with the light spot is above her tail)
15 in the grass below where the lioness’ paws are in front of the lion)

Level 5:

1 his nose
2 grass at the bottom left corner
3 in the tall brown grass over his back leg (near the right edge of the screen and in line with the leftmost toes of his back paw)
4 right left (your perspective) above the paw
5 dark green number near the bottom right corner (just below the stem and in line with between his 2 rear paws)
6 cub’s right ear (your perspective)
7 cub’s left ear (your perspective)
8 top of his back leg on his side
9 right side of cub’s neck
10 leftmost front paw
11 in between the 2 dark sticks on his chest just right of his right front leg (your perspective)
12 forehead
13 left of his cheek
14 tall brown grass near the top of the screen (down left of the top right corner)
15 chest down from his chin

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