Gazzyboy Electronic Shop Escape

 Gazzyboy Electronic Shop Escape is another new point and click type room escape game developed by Gazzyboy.In this game when you came to the Electronic Shop for a game you got locked inside. Try to find the objects around and escape from the
Shop. Good Luck and have fun!

Play This Game

 Video Walkthrough:


  1. - Zoom in the A/c stabilizer and note the number and symbol 1. Turn on the A/c. Zoom out.
    - Zoom in the A/c and collect the key from the ventilation. Zoom out.
    - Click downwards and zoom in the table draw at the right side.
    - Open the draw with the key, collect paper bit, screw driver handle, round yellow symbol. Zoom out.
    - Zoom in the dust bin in the right corner, click it again to see the top view.
    - Collect the paper bit and zoom out twice.
    - Click down and get back to the main view.
    - Zoom in the flower vase at the right side on the table, click it to fall down.
    - Zoom out and collect the key on the floor.
    - Click downwards and go to the opposite table.
    - Zoom in the draw at the left side and open with the key.
    - Collect the bunch of keys, screw driver head, pencil. Zoom out.
    - Get back to the main view.
    - Click on the right side, open the glass door with the first key from the bunch. Enter into the A/c room.
    - Click on the right side, open the second glass door with the second key from bunch. Enter into the washing machine room.
    - Zoom in the forth washing machine from the right, click open the door and collect the red key. Zoom out.
    - Zoom in the music system speaker on the right side end, scratch it with the pencil to see the number four and a symbol. Zoom out twice.
    - Click on the right side, open the third glass door with the third key from bunch. Enter into the air cooler room.
    - Zoom in the first air cooler at the left side. Open the door panel with the red key and note the number 5 and the symbol. Zoom out.
    - Click on the right side, open the forth glass door with the forth key from bunch. Enter into the digital camera room.
    - Click and collect the camera from the top rack at the left side.
    - Take the camera and overturn it. Fix the screw driver with the handle and open the back cover of the camera. There you get a hint, note it.
    - Get back to the main view.
    - Click on the left side, open the first glass door with the fifth key from bunch. Enter into the white refrigerator room.
    - Open the refrigerator and see the hint and the symbol.
    - Click on the left side, open the second glass door with the sixth key from bunch. Enter into the television room.
    - Click on the left side, open the third glass door with the seventh key from bunch. Enter into the kitchen appliance room.
    - Click and collect the first mixer from the right side.
    - Zoom in the second oven from the right side, click the door to open. Note the number and the symbol. Zoom out.
    - Click on the left side, open the forth glass door with the eight key from bunch. Enter into the refrigerator room.
    - Zoom in the floor on the right side, collect the paper bit in between the refrigerator. Zoom out.
    - Get back to the main view.
    - Take the mixer from the inventory and overturn it. Note the number 3 and the symbol. Close it.
    - Take the first paper bit, click it to see the hint as gazzy.
    - Take the second paper bit, click it to see the hint as boy.
    - Take the third paper bit, click it to see the hint as V.
    - Take the yellow symbol to see the number 2 and the symbol.
    - Zoom in the system in the table at the opposite side.
    - Zoom in the CPU of the system and turn on the power.
    - In the monitor, type the Username as gazzyboyv. It will accept.
    - You have to type the password from the hint you found out.
    - The password is in the form of number as 7654321
    - The password is accepted and the door will open.
    - You are out from the appliance shop.


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